My Top Five News Sources

 1. Apple News +

     This is my number one source of obtaining my news. It's right on my phone so I'm able to wake up in the morning and scroll through it. One reason I love Apple News + is that it isn't just one source. They are pulling news posts from all different types of news. I love getting to see a variety. I will get to see breaking news from posts on CNN, Fox, and ABC, but then if I scroll a little further i'll see news about celebrities from posts by People or Insider. Another great perk is that they have already organized each story into categories for you. When I want to know what's going on in the business world I can scroll to that section and read all about the stock market, new products, and production growth in other countries. Lastly, Apple News has a listening section. This is a great tool for me to listen to the news in the morning while I'm getting ready for class if I don't have time to read. 

2. Court TV

    I do have a little bit of bias with Court Tv. My dad has been an anchor at Court Tv for the past 2 years. I also want to attend law school after my education at High Point University. This is a great way to understand the ins and outs of a courtroom. I love watching Court Tv because the anchors go into depth about what is being said and done in the courtroom. I am always interested in what big murder trials are going on and this is a great way to keep upon them. I am also taking a course called Violent Crime and we often bring up trials that are currently in session. I love watching updates before class so I am on top of what is happening and can participate in the discussion. 

3. Insider

    Insider is a great way for me to keep up on new beauty tips, food, business, health, and other breaking news. I really love watching insider food reviews. On their food challenge, insider reports travel all over the world trying new up-and-coming restaurants to give you a full look inside of them. This is a great way for me to pick out restaurants and types of food before trips I go on. I also love finding out about new travel trends! I've learned so many tips on how to find cheaper flights and great hotels. 

4.  CNN

CNN is my favorite way to get breaking news around the world. When I watch CNN I usually watch it on the Tv at home. My family grew up with CNN. My dad was a correspondent for CNN my whole childhood. When I lived in LA I was honored to get to know many of my idols like Larry King, Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper. The reason I love CNN is they are giving you news from all over all the time. It also is where I found my love for Journalism. Going to work with my dad was one of my favorite things as a child. I have gained so much experience out of it. I got to visit Neverland the day after Micheal Jackson died and meet his friends and family, I got to hang out with Bindi Irwin all day after her dad died and I have listened to my dad speak on several documentaries that have made it to the big screen. 


Lastly, my favorite way to get news about sports is through ESPN. I have the app on my phone and will look at updates about teams, games and players regularly. I recently watched updates about the World Series on ESPN. This is a great way to not just learn about sports it goes into depth about the world of sports and what happens inside it. One example of this is today they posted how Aaron Rodgers tested positive for Covid-19 and will now not be playing against the Cheifs on Sunday. 
