EOTO: The Invention of the Radio


We are constantly surrounded by technology. Whether it be a telephone, computer, tv screen most people use technology every day. We tend to take it for granted because we are so used to it being there. Throughout time the evolution of communication has grown with these technologies. One form of technology that changed the world was the invention of the radio. The radio was one of the first forms of technology that brought families together in the United States. It was also one of the first ways to bring different races together through music. 

The radio started out as radio signals. The first radio signal was sent out in 1985 and was sent in Italy. This then turned into telegraphs. The first telegraph was the letter S and was sent out in 1902 from England to Newfoundland. For many years the telegraph was the start of the radio. Militaries would use a telegraph to communicate messages from one ship to another. This wasn't an ideal way to communicate so the first radio was invented. Its original purpose was for the United States military in the first World War. The only people who had access to use or own radio were the U.S. Navy. This was to prevent enemies from being able to tap into their messages. The U.S. military had patents on every radio-related technology. This lasted until 1919 when the military dropped their patents. The radio was in action. The first radio broadcast was scheduled on November 2, 1920, from KDKA. The broadcasting was of live returns from the Presidential election. This was the first of its time. Before the invention of the radio, it took people days and even weeks to learn breaking news. Surrounding areas usually would learn about the news the next morning, but people wouldn’t learn about what was happening in other parts of the world for a while. The invention of the radio gave people the chance to learn breaking news in an instant. The fact that people got to listen to returns live from their house was something no one ever thought would happen.

The radio was also a huge influence on ending the race war. During the 1920s men and women would meet at speakeasies to drink. These were some of the only places whites and blacks could enjoy a public setting together. Most of the music played at speakeasies was jazz. This created bands with both black and white players. After listening to this music people would go home and listen to jazz on the radio. This was a way to close the bridge between different parts of the United States. People from the South were able to listen to the same music as people in the West. This was a way to bring the Country together as a whole. Another way that the radio changed the everyday lives of Americans was the broadcasting of sporting events. In 1938 the first World Series game was broadcast live over CBS. This created a whole new world of sports. Families were able to sit around the radio and listen to their favorite teams play. This was a great way for everyone because the radio was inexpensive and going to sporting events was usually for the upper class. Overall, the radio was one of the first foundations of human communication. This was the first way people were able to come together.
