Blog #9: Diffusion Theory

 This semester I was able to learn the history and the upbringing of the Radio. I never knew how much of an impact the radio had on the United States. This was the first way people were able to communicate from long distances. Before the radio breaking news would take days or even weeks to reach the other side of the world. With the radio people were gaining information in seconds. The time lie of the radio and who actually used it was a lot more surprising than I thought. 

The reason the radio was first ever created was to be used as a communication device for the United States Navy. They used radios to communicate from bases to ships about important enemy information. These radios were the first of their kind. The United States Navy patented the basic design of the radio at the begging of the 1920s during WWI. Before this, they were communicating through telegraphs which were patchy and messages would get lost. At the time the Navy and US Government were the only people using the radio. This makes them the pioneers of the radio. They are the first people who want to try the radio and start to use it. 

Once the United States Government lifted the patent the production of the radio was in full action. People all over the United States were eager to get their hands on the radio. The first radios were installed in houses for families to use. The early adopters of the radio were the wealthier upper and middle-class families. They had the funds to purchase and install a radio into their homes. These consumers critiqued the radio and were the first people who got to experience it. They put their money into the product without hesitation. The early majority is the group who bought the radio after it had been out for a little. They weren't the testing group, but the radio was still new. Since this group of consumers waited to buy the radio they reduced the chance of product malfunction. This group was the middle-lower class. The price of the radio was cheaper so they were able to afford it. 

The late majority of consumers were those who don't keep up with the new technology trends. They purchased the radio years after. This group of people may have never even purchased an in-house radio. This is the group of people who started to use the radio once it came with their car. They could have also been the consumer who bought small portable radios. They had made such that the product was purchased by the majority of people and worked well. Lastly, we have the laggards. This is a group that is very skeptical to change and doesn't want to follow the new technology trends. This is usually an older age group who doesn't understand the new technology. 
