Blog #2 Supreme Court

 Before watching the Supreme Court videos and reading SCOUTS History page I knew little to no information about the Supreme Court. Most of the information I knew beforehand was about the up bring of the Supreme Court that I had learned years ago in High School. I actually learned a lot throughout the videos and articles. One fact that stood out to me was that the chief justice presides over the trials over the impeachment of the President. I was also surprised that they changed the number of seats on the Supreme Court numerous times. They changed the number of seats about six times. The lowest number of seats was at 5 and the highest at 10. It’s crazy to think how many major court cases that have shaped our history were in the hands of the Supreme Court. These cases have been taught throughout high schools and colleges and create the foundation of United States history. Some of these big cases are Roe vs Wade which made it so women have the right to an abortion during the first two trimesters. This specific case has shown us how the Supreme Court holds so much power. In the past few years, we have seen the uproar Texas has caused with the law banning abortion after 6 weeks. Many say that they have overturned Roe vs Wade. Many people of the United States are furious with Texas lawmakers due to them creating this unconstitutional law. This is just one example that shows how the  Supreme Court's history has shaped the way America respects its constitutional rights. I'm grateful I got the chance to sit down and understand really how our Supreme Court works. I learned a great amount and can't wait to now keep track of new cases and news that comes through the Supreme Court. 
