Blog 5: Anti War


During the Vietnam War, the anti-war movement was at its height. People all over the United States were against the war. They believed that it was morally wrong to keep the troops in Vietnam. People were so upset with the violence that was going on. During this time there wasn't a shun on anti-war activists. This is different today. Times have changed and politics have torn America apart. Everything is surrounded by politics. News outlets tend to shun away anti-war opinions. It's hard to look at and completely understand websites surrounded by anti-war. I looked at two specific websites named Anti-War and The American Conservative. These websites are packed with information from all over the world. It's sad to say that before looking at them I had no clue websites like this existed. These viewpoints are strong which makes me think that is one reason they are in the dark. Most of the posts on these websites show the United States as the bad guy. We are getting into wars that we honestly don't need to be in. This is why bigger media groups don't post topics like this. One article that I read really stuck with me. The United States recently pulled its troops out of Afghanistan after being there for years. While we were there the United States trained many men in the Afghan Security Forces. Since some of these men are joining ISIS-K. We have been accidentally aiding the creation of extremist groups. Our aid has created well-trained troops who are now working for the enemy. This story is something that should be heard by all Americans, but it's in hiding. There are so many other examples that are on these small websites that only a few know about. These stories are making the United States Government and Military look poor so big news outlets are staying as far away as possible from them.
