Final Blog Post

 Before taking this class I knew the bare minimum about our constitution, first amendment, and technology. I am beyond thankful for every piece of information I've learned in this class because I have been able to open my eyes to how I view so many different things. One of these is my relationship with technology. I've been surrounded by technology and media since a very young age. My dad is a broadcast reporter. Growing up I would sit with my mom in front of the TV watching him. Ever since my relationship with media took off. In the fifth grade, I received my first cellphone. This is what introduced me to the platforms of social media that I use today. 

One of the first social media accounts that I created was Instagram. At the time I used Instagram to post funny pictures of me and my friends, pictures of nature, and best of all pictures of my pets. My relationship with Instagram has changed drastically in the past ten years. Now, I feel the need to impress the people who follow me and those who don't. I'm still posting silly pictures of me and my friends, nature, and my pets, but in a more sophisticated way. There's a need that most people feel that we have to post the best versions of ourselves on these accounts. The beauty standard is through the roof. With apps like Tik Tok and Instagram if you aren't skinny, have perfect skin, and have blonde hair then you feel ugly. I have friends at the age of 19 and 20 getting botox, lip filler, and boob lifts. Young ladies are altering their bodies to fit this unrealistic image. The youtube video Mad World Remix shows a perfect example of this beauty standard. In the there is a cartoon lady with all of this work done and she is taking selfies to post. This just shows how sucked up we are in this mad world. I do hate it, but I can't say that I don't contribute too. I whiten my teeth in my photos and add filters to make the lighting better. I envy the people who haven't brought themselves into this life. This has also brought mental disorders to many girls and boys throughout the world. Girls see these images of models with zero imperfections. These models or influencers have washboard abs or are fitting into extra small-sized clothing. Eating disorders have been on the rise since the rise of Tik Tok. Doctors and nutritionists state that "Many of these videos are promoting diet culture and disordered eating behaviors." This isn't the way we should be using social media. It shouldn't be fake and discouraging. 

Instagram then

Instagram now 

I have a hard being cooped up in my room on my phone during my free time rather than going out and turning off technology. Growing up in elementary school without a phone was a blessing. I was able to run around my neighborhood with my friends until it was time for dinner. My friends and I created a scooter club, played sports, went swimming, and scuffed up our knees when we climbed trees. This generation of elementary school boys and girls stay inside to play video games or make Tik Toks. The feeling of being a kid isn't there for them. They are surrounded by uncensored videos instead of being able to go enjoy the real world. I also have a hard time with what technology has done to love. Our in-person communication skills have decreased so much that boys won't take girls on dates anymore. When two people like each other it becomes a relationship over a device rather than in person. When those dates do happen most of the time our phones are sitting right on the table for either date to be distracted by. My parents always talk about cute love letters they used to write to each other. I do love technology it has done great things for the world, but I think we are starting to forget the real meaning of the world. 

I do believe that there is some good in the world of technology. Animator Steve Cutts created a short animation called Man which describes man's relationship with the natural world. Ever since man has arrived on earth we have taken the natural world to benefit ourselves. One example in the video was chopping down trees to use paper. With the use of technology, we are reducing the amount of paper that we do use. I also think with the help of AI we can reduce the amount of pollution we produce. We have started to create AI air pollution detectors that can detect the amount of pollution and correct it. Scientists have also been creating AI-powered traffic lights that can reduce the amount of pollution in the air. I believe that we can use AI as a tool instead of a weapon. BY using our technology to create good in the world we won't be so sucked up into it. 

Overall, I think technology has brought good and bad things to our world. Personally, I don't use it enough to have a huge online footprint or presence. I believe we can all take a step back from the world behind the screen and start to enjoy the natural world again. We also can't let technology and AI get into the hands of those who want to cause harm. We want to be able to aid all living creatures of the world with our discoveries. 

